Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013

Haiku poem :)

Green grass in April

Birds begin to sing in trees
Children playing outside

Butterflies hatch.
Bees drink the juice from flowers.
Bees fly everywhere.

FROGS jumping around
Frogs hopping away from snakes
Frogs doing cool tricks

Birds chirping a lot
People singing all the time
Birds are going south!
By Nicholas 

I see bees fly
Nature Flowers are blooming.
Birds build their new homes.

Birds and bees flying
Soft blades of grass on my feet
New flowers blooming
The bees are buzzing.
Beautiful flowers are here.
The flowers smell good.

Baseball is starting
Spring is finally here yes!
The bees are buzzing.

Flowers are blooming
Bursts of colors come alive
Fragrant smells around us!

Spring, nature wakes up
Flowers and trees are blooming
Animals are coming out!

Tulips are blooming
Sun is out and shinning bright
Green grass is growing

Birds chirping their song,
Building their nest for their home
Getting ready for spring!

Beaches are open
Strong waves are hitting the rocks
Kids are coming back.

I hear birds singing.
Birds are chirping everywhere.
Their wings touch the sky.
Nature blooms, It's spring
Flowers awake from their nap
Cool breezes on my face!

Leaves flying around
The leaves are touching my head
Smell the fresh crisp air

Butterflies are flying
Their orange wings touch the sun
They perch on fresh leaves!

No school in summer.
Swimming in the cool water.
Sipping lemonade.

Spring flowers burst their color.
Birds fly back to their North home.
Animals hatching.

In spring flowers bloom.
In spring animals come out.
Best of's warm!

Children are playing
Flowers blooming from the sun
Nature feeling good!

Bees buzzing, it's spring
Nature wakes up from its nap
While the wind blew softly.

He makes me feel great.
The best part is yet to come.
I feel beautiful.
Like medieval knights
Armor clad, in fields battle
To reap victory

Chicken or the egg? 
No Egg, No Chicken, Dummies 
It's a no-brainer!

Ire's crest: David's Harp 
Spring words 'Aaron Forever' 
Covenants of God

Patrick of England 
Preserving Erin's blood line 
Drove out the serpents

first sunrise 
a thin layer of dust 
on my good-luck stone

The noonday sun 
holds court in our galaxy 
while earth spins her wheels

Life is like a road
Some are long and some are short
But it has an end

Breathless night 
the cold penetrates 
needles sting.

hello, how are you 
i am fine today thank you 
for asking me that.

dust to dust... 
pampas grass whispering 
to pampas grass

April and dull days 
My love has gone missing 
A field of bluebells

beach bonfire... 
nothing left between 
the moon and me

a black butterfly 
tarnishes the pink rosebud 
silent skies 

red spider lilies 
blooming along the fence - 
foreclosed house 

peeling my pear 
in a thin, unbroken spiral... 
hometown memories

confessions grafted 
on the wall of a white church
Easter sunlight 

a slant of sunlight 
on my basement window sill 
the dead fly

Hair across your face
before I feel the breeze too.
A soft glance away.

All you see of me,
you have set me free to be.
All of this, is yours.

With shirts over heads,
clothing crumpled on the floor,
we can’t catch our breath.

I wonder often
if your dreams know about me,
do you find me there?

Let me have my way
and bring yourself here to me.
Take off all the rest.

With smile painted face
and love decorated skin,
the water soothed us.

With our tangled feet
catching the morning sunlight,
I fall back to sleep.

Watercolor skies
and you smiling beneath them,
waiting for my hand.

The letters I write
and the stories I will tell
are filled with your name.

Give until you can’t
and then give the nothing left.
There is no ‘too much.’

We are made to break
but it is in the pieces
we will find ourselves.

Are you afraid too?
Does the thought of losing me
rattle your still bones?

Just make room for me
and I’ll fill the emptiness
you had left hollow.

It’s just you and me,
scattered amongst all of it,
trying to find home.

Dressed up in shadows,
saturated in moonlight,
sighing in the night.

Lean in to kiss me
and I’ll meet you halfway there,
reach and you’ll be held.

Free me from all this,
reach across and pull me out,
send me to the wind.

Just hold onto this,
cling to how it feels right now,
wrap tight around it.

Keep me like a promise
and hold me like a whisper.
Kiss me like a plea.

Stand and watch the tide
and wonder how much of us
is pulled out with it.

We all fall apart
but no one puts themselves back
together like me.
Can you hear it now?
Or are we too far apart?
It’s calling our names.

Divide the waters
and leap the earth between us,
bring you back to me.

It’s here I will wait,
here, where everything started,
here, you will find me.

If it’s not with me
what then fills all the spaces
hiding inside you?

Are there any tears
left hiding behind my eyes?
Aren’t they gone by now?

We’ll pack them and go
and wherever you wander,
know that I’ll follow.

The sound of raindrops,
wind blowing through the treetops
and your sleeping breath.

Hands that crawl lower,
lips that will hold on longer,
arms that squeeze tighter.

Photos I’m not in
and memories we don’t share,
haunt my lonely eyes.

We’re more now than then
but we’re still nothing compared
to what we will be.

Just keep waking up,
dragging yourself out of bed.
It will get better.

The rain keeps falling
and so we’ll keep burying
ourselves in this bed.

I found you in them,
the pages and the lyrics,
our story in theirs.

Will we waste our time
or can we start spending it
all on each other?

I know I’m too much
and loving me can be hard,
but I am worth it.

Will I ever be
everything you have needed?
All that you deserve?

Shut tight your eyes now,
hold fast the breath in your lungs,
be brave when I can’t.

Rise, rise up through this
and as you stand above it,
smile and be breathless.

If only you saw,
if only I could show you,
if only you knew.

Tell me what you want
and I will help you chase it.
I’ll chase it with you.

Invent me a word
that can encompass this ache,
‘missing’ is too small.

Your mouth drops open
and your eyes fall slowly closed,
a sigh dances out.

What good is sleeping
if when it comes to waking
you are never there?

The truth is my love
that days of sadness will come,
but I’ll come through them.

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